Rabu, 07 Desember 2022


The term culture is inherent and even often present in everyday life. As citizens of Indonesia, of course you know that Indonesia has a variety of cultures spread across various regions. The word culture itself is a language that comes from two languages, namely Sanskrit and English. According to Sanskrit, the word culture means buddhayah, which means the plural form of the word buddhi, which means mind or reason. Meanwhile, according to English culture is known as the word culture which comes from the Latin word Colere which means to process or work. Culture is a pattern of life as a whole. Culture is abstract, complex and broad in nature. Meanwhile, according to KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), culture is a thought, reason or custom.
A. William H. Haviland
According to William H. Haviland, culture is a set of rules and norms that are shared by a group of members and members of society. If done by these people, it will give birth to a behavior that is deemed appropriate or appropriate to be accepted by all people.

B. Edward Burnett Tylor
According to Edward Burnett Tylor, culture is that complex whole, which includes beliefs, knowledge, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities acquired by a person as a member of society.

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