Rabu, 07 Desember 2022

Job at Pasaman Barat

 Work in pasbar is most usually oil palm which is one of the income in parbar where most of the people there have oil palm plantations which is their job . Another job is usually farming such as rice, corn, sweet oranges, etc. which can be planted in the garden

About Pasaman Barat

 West Pasaman Regency is one of the three districts resulting from division in West Sumatra Province, based on Law Number 38 of 2003 concerning the Formation of Dharmasraya, South Solok and West Pasaman Regencies. Its area reaches 3,864.02 square km. The population in 2021 will reach 436,298 people. Its government administration covers 11 (eleven) districts and 19 nagari or villages. On February 25 2022 at around 08.29 WIB, an earthquake occurred in this area. The Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) noted that the earthquake had a magnitude of 6.2.

 In general, the topography of West Pasaman Regency is flat and slightly undulating, while hilly and mountainous areas are only found in Talamau and Gunung Tuleh Districts. The altitude of the area varies from 0 to 913 meters above sea level.

West Pasaman Barat Regency is one of the three districts resulting from division in West Sumatra Province, based on Law Number 38 of 2003 concerning the Formation of Dharmasraya, South Solok and West Pasaman Regencies. Its area reaches 3,864.02 square km.

The total population in 2021 will reach 436,298 people. Its government administration covers 11 (eleven) districts and 19 nagari or villages. On February 25 2022 at around 08.29 WIB, an earthquake occurred in this area. The Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) noted that the earthquake had a magnitude of 6.2. 

In general, the topography of West Pasaman Regency is flat and slightly undulating, while hilly and mountainous areas are only found in Talamau and Gunung Tuleh Districts. The altitude of the area varies from 0 to 913 meters above sea level.

 Of course, those are not the only interesting things from West Pasaman. Here are six interesting facts about West Pasaman Regency, summarized by Liputan6.com from various sources.

- Hundreds of Rivers

West Pasaman Regency has more than 100 rivers, both large rivers and small rivers that have a dendritic pattern or resemble a tree structure. The large number of rivers flowing in this area raises the potential for vulnerability to flooding/inundation.

Several rivers that pass through this area include the Batang Pasaman River, Batang Kapar River, Batang Batahan River, and Air Salak River. Most of these rivers originate at Mount Pasaman and Mount Talamau.

-Producing Corn

This district has the opportunity to become a corn district as has been achieved by Gorontalo Province. The reason is that West Pasaman is one of the corn center areas with a corn planting area of ​​20,000 hectares per year, out of a potential area of ​​30,000 hectares per year. 

Of this amount, 15,000 hectares of which have been planted with hybrid corn. In 2000, planting of 1,000 hectares of Pioneer hybrid corn began. In 2004, the corn planted area increased 12 times fantastically to reach 12,000 hectares.

To anticipate an increase in production due to the appreciation of corn farmers in West Pasaman, the government has provided supporting infrastructure in the form of shellers, dryers and warehousing (silos). This is intended so that farmers receive post-production services so that, at harvest, their corn remains of high quality. West Pasaman district is a supplier of corn for about 40 percent of production in all of West Sumatra.


The term culture is inherent and even often present in everyday life. As citizens of Indonesia, of course you know that Indonesia has a variety of cultures spread across various regions. The word culture itself is a language that comes from two languages, namely Sanskrit and English. According to Sanskrit, the word culture means buddhayah, which means the plural form of the word buddhi, which means mind or reason. Meanwhile, according to English culture is known as the word culture which comes from the Latin word Colere which means to process or work. Culture is a pattern of life as a whole. Culture is abstract, complex and broad in nature. Meanwhile, according to KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), culture is a thought, reason or custom.
A. William H. Haviland
According to William H. Haviland, culture is a set of rules and norms that are shared by a group of members and members of society. If done by these people, it will give birth to a behavior that is deemed appropriate or appropriate to be accepted by all people.

B. Edward Burnett Tylor
According to Edward Burnett Tylor, culture is that complex whole, which includes beliefs, knowledge, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities acquired by a person as a member of society.

Job at Pasaman Barat

 Work in pasbar is most usually oil palm which is one of the income in parbar where most of the people there have oil palm plantations which...