Rabu, 30 November 2022


Some people talk about the language of colors, the language of flowers, diplomacy and more. In addition, limited circles talk about written, spoken, and other languages. In the book Enchantment of Language: First Steps to Understanding Linguistics (2005) by Untung Yuwono, the notion of language is a means of communication possessed by humans in the form of a system of sound symbols originating from speech organs or human mouth.l

Plato, Language is a statement of one's thoughts by means of onomata (names of objects) and rhemata (speech) which are a reflection of one's ideas in air currents through the mouth.

Language is also a collection of words where each word has an abstract meaning and relationship with a concept many language in pasbar , let's see :

1. Minang 

2. Mandailing 

but minang language many variety because in the area  pasbar minang language variety and different in area 

Senin, 21 November 2022


Let's see about object Pasaman Barat

1. Sasak Beach 
It is a beautiful beach, located towards the Simpang Ampek road, there has become a tourist attraction that is busy being visited by many uncles because there are lots of trees there, they are given the nickname"pohon seribu" 

2. Sikabau Beach 
Sikabau beach a clean comfortable an there are blue sea in the sikabau beach there is an island that you can visit it's called pigago island a beatiful island.

3. New way (JB)
It is a road that is given two lanes on the side of the road that is given Asmahul Husna along the way And the flowers are neat around there which is neat where young people walk especially on Saturday nights

4. Aek nabirong
Get educational opportunities and sports activities for free,In the tourist area there are a number of swimming pools for various ages, and one swimming pool that can be used for swimming for athletes in West Pasaman and has met national standards.The management also provides a children's play area and a number of supporting facilities such as cafes and places of worship. Meanwhile, specifically for educational tourism, there are also a number of fish ponds and nurseries of various fruit and oil palms to support the community's economy. The owner of the tourist attraction, Perdion Najjar, said that he built this location as a form of contribution and provides a tourist location and supports the needs of sports facilities from various branches, because at that location it can also accommodate canoe rowing, dragon boat, rafting, long cliff, cross and tourism training locations. fruit tree education.

5. Air Bangis 
The beach where there is a bridge that can reach almost close to the middle of the sea the bridge can be used as a place to sit and relax with family, spouse and friends it is also a tourist spot Busy tourism visited by residents there 

There are still many interesting tourist objects there, let's visit Pasbar 
Let's read and SimAk more tours at Pasaman Barat

The Natural Beauty of Pasaman Barat


West Pasaman District is one of the districts in West Sumatra, Indonesia. This area was formed from the expansion of Pasaman Regency based on Law No. 38 of 2003 dated December 18, 2003, with the district capital at Simpang Ampek.

     West Pasaman Regency is one of the 3 (three) expansion regencies in West Sumatra Province. It has an area of ​​3,887.77 ha which is divided into 11 (eleven) districts. Based on geographical location, West Pasaman Regency is located at 99 o10 -100 04 east longitude and 0o33 0o11 south latitude. This regency is bordered by Madina Regency in the north, Pasaman and Agam Regencies in the south, Pasaman Regency in the east and the Indonesian Ocean in the south. west. West Pasaman Regency's economic contribution comes from the agricultural sector, every year the contribution of the agricultural sector always outperforms other sectors.

    The largest income from the agricultural sector comes from the food crops sub-sector, and the plantation sub-sector and the leading commodity of oil palm. In the fisheries sector, the largest contribution comes from the marine fisheries sub-sector. Meanwhile,  fisheries sub-sector has not yet been explored. When compared to other sectors, especially the plantation sub-sector, the fisheries sector is slightly behind even though the potential is large enough to lift the economy of West Pasaman.

Job at Pasaman Barat

 Work in pasbar is most usually oil palm which is one of the income in parbar where most of the people there have oil palm plantations which...